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Announcements. Helpful articles. Fun facts. Blog posts. Resident testimonials. Events. Photo galleries. Virtual tours. Area guides. There is just so much to share about our new Active Adult community in Houston’s Hill Country. This is our library of everything you need or want to know about Chambers Creek, and then some. Explore!

The Archives

The Grymkoskis Resident Testimonial

The Grymkoskis Resident Testimonial

Living in Hawaii seems like it should be paradise, but there are challenges associated with living on a very small, remote island in the middle of the Pacific. After living on Molokai for just over a year, we realized that we missed the little things that most people take for granted – like having more than…

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The Hesses Residential Testimonial

The Hesses Resident Testimonial

Ron & I are both retired and living our best life. We enjoy making new friends through our many hobbies and travels including wine tasting, outdoor activities, and domestic and international travel. While our new home is being built, we plan to hike Machu Picchu and travel to Patagonia, the Bordeaux region, and Paris.  We…

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Discover Your 55+ Best Life


Calling current residents! We want to see how you are living your 55+ best life at Chambers Creek.
Tag your Facebook and Instagram posts with #ChambersCreekLife.
(Future neighbors, take a look at our fun!)

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Chambers Creek on Instagram
Chambers Creek on Instagram
Chambers Creek on Instagram
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